Lizard lovers unite! One of the most spectacular lizards right here in Arizona is the Eastern Collard Lizard. During the breeding season, the colors of the male lizards are truly extraordinary. I chose to paint this handsome beauty and donate the painting to Sonoran Reptiles to help raise funds at the first ever Northern Arizona Conservation Expo which is created and organized by Brett Smith Founder of the 501c3 nonprofit, Sonoran Reptiles.

Based in Sedona, Sonoran Reptiles is dedicated to the education and rescue or venomous and non-venomous reptile species. Sonoran Reptiles is the first organization of its kind in Northern Arizona. Brett can be found leading outreach programs all over the state and once-a-month at Tlaquepaque Arts and Craft Center in Sedona. The Northern Arizona Conservation Expo will be held on March 22nd at Tlaquepaque from 11:00 to 3:00. The event is completely free and will include booths and demonstrations from over a dozen of the Arizona’s leading conservation organizations such as Southwest Wildlife, Heritage Park Zoo, Phoenix Herpetological Society, Liberty Wildlife, Runnin’ W Wildlife, Friends of the Verde River and more!

This painting is titled, “Attitude” and will be available as part of a silent auction the day of the event. Since I donated the artwork, 100% of the proceeds will go to support Sonoran Reptiles. And there will be a special bonus, whoever wins the silent auction will also receive a note from me regarding the “secret Sedona location” where you just might see one of these beauties. Please join the excitement and support our local non-profits if you are in Sedona!

“Attitude” Eastern Collared Lizard, Oil, 18″ x 18″ Framed 100 percent of proceeds from a silent auction for this artwork will go to Sonoran Reptiles
Eastern Collard lizard, photo by Jen Farnsworth taken in Sedona.
“Eastern Collard Lizard” photo by Jen, taken in Sedona, Arizona

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