At last! It has been far too long since I have posted new art and I have so many pieces in the works. I get awful migraines and they have really slowed me down, but art is coming alive! This piece is almost done, just a few more tweaks and have to paint the sides. Last year I did a little bison ink portrait. People loved it and I got requests to do a full bison in oil – and here he is! My bison ink portrait was called, “Standing My Ground”. This oil painting is called, “Still Standing My Ground”. It feels great to have this one almost done – and there are more on the way. I hope this might be dry enough to bring to Rowe Fine Art Gallery this Friday March 7th as gallery owners Ken and Monica Rowe celebrate the 15th Anniversary of the gallery!

“Still Standing My Ground” (bison) 22″H x 28″W Oil $4,600

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